
Black Supremacists Invent Their Own ‘Great Replacement’ Project Coming to a Southern State Near You

AP Photo/Steve Helber

Black racial agitators have their own version of the Great Replacement Theory. In fact, it’s not a mere theory; it’s an active, well-oiled project with the goal of racially overtaking southern states like North Carolina so as to make blacks a majority race and ultimately turn them into a sort of black caliphate to do with whatever they like.

Via The Guardian (emphasis added):

From 1915 to 1970, an estimated 6 million Black Americans left their homes in the south, fleeing Jim Crow laws and racial violence to seek out new beginnings in the north and the west.

Five decades later, the New York Times columnist and author Charles Blow says it’s now time for these Black Americans and their descendants to return.

In his 2021 book, The Devil You Know: A Black Power Manifesto, Blow argued that the way for Black Americans to truly overcome white supremacy and effect social change was to gain political power. They could do this, he said, by moving back to the south and concentrating their voting potential in key southern cities that already have large Black populations – and eventually take political control of certain states.

South to Black Power, a HBO documentary, picks up where Blow’s book left off by looking at some of the reverse migration that has already happened. The film follows Blow as he speaks to historians, activists and local politicos who have moved back to the south – some finding success in community organizing and others still fighting within a broken system.

“From the time that the first enslaved Africans touched down on the soil that would become the United States of America, the majority of Black people have existed in the southern region of the country, Even today, even though the majority is only a slight majority, it’s still where they exist,” Blow told the Guardian in an interview. “There is a lot of sweat and blood equity put into building the infrastructure that became the American south. I would love to see Black people engage in reclaiming the benefits of the work that their ancestors did”…

The simple basis of his proposal is that Black people should have more say over how they are governed. While several large cities with a majority-Black population in the south have made progress in creating places where Black people can thrive and feel safe, they are hampered by the chokehold white conservatives have on the rest of the region.

My, oh my, what a long way we’ve come since the days of MLK Jr.’s vision of a colorblind meritocracy in which people are based rightly on the content of their character rather than the color of their skin.

Instead, the current crop of racial activists, led by the likes of DEI welfare queen Ibram X. Kendi, actively promote racial segregation, race hate, and Great Replacement Theories promoting black supremacy in specific polities.

           RelatedRace Grifter Ibram X. Kendi: ‘Whiteness Prevents White People From Connecting to Humanity’

The racial agitators can dress their rhetoric in seemingly high-minded liberalism all they want, but at bottom all this is is mindless race hate for profit and power. There’s nothing noble about it. And what makes it significantly less noble than, say, avowed Nazism, is that they are not honest about their true motivations. Instead, they camouflage their racial animus under the auspices of Racial Justice™ or whatever, so that their insidious agenda isn’t even on full display to be exposed. Instead, when you challenge it, you are smeared as the racist, instead of the other way around. Reality inversion is the specialty of the corporate state, as Orwell predicted it would be. Then, under the pretext of Racial Justice™,  the ADL takes your social media and possibly your bank account away.


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