Republicans Take to Social Media to Demonstrate That They’re ‘#withDeSantis’

AP Photo/Ashley Landis

Even though Donald Trump has dominated polls to date, there's a long way left to go in this primary season. Many voters are looking for an alternative to Trump, and some of them are turning to Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-Fla.).


There's a hashtag that has begun to gain momentum as DeSantis prepares for Wednesday night's debate in Miami, which is practically on home turf for the governor.

Politicians and voters alike are taking to Twitter/X to let the world know that they're #withDeSantis. Torey Alston, a former Broward County commissioner and school board chair, is one prime example. He called DeSantis "a bold, electable leader who has consistently led the #1 state economy, transformed school boards & educational opportunities, record infrastructure investments, supporter of law enforcement and delivers on what he says!"

Sen. Jay Collins (R-14th district) posted, "I’m #withDeSantis because of his track record in Florida. We are #1 in education, economy, and net migration. Florida’s crime is at a 50 yr low. We’ve pushed back on the CCP. As a nation we need to focus on #deedsnotwords. @RonDeSantis will do just that."

Others throughout the state are making it known that they are #withDeSantis:


The advent of this hashtag couldn't come at a better time for the governor. The endorsement of Gov. Kim Reynolds (R-Iowa) gives DeSantis an edge in the early caucus state, and Wednesday night's debate is another opportunity for him to make his case to voters.

Naturally, the DeSantis campaign has decided to ride the #withDeSantis wave, too, including a compelling graphic that shows just how much Florida has changed under his leadership.  

The DeSantis campaign gave PJ Media a sneak peek at the governor's prep for Wednesday night's debate in Miami. He's going to have a time of prayer before the debate and a post-debate party with supporters. At the debate, DeSantis will have some special guests, including some of the people his team helped evacuate from Israel.

We'll see if the #withDeSantis movement will give him more momentum. Don't forget to stay tuned tonight to watch the debate with our very own VodkaPundit on the PJ Media Drunkblog!


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