OPEN THREAD: Ring in the weekend.


And not just in Europe:

ANTI-SEMITISM ON THE LEFT, AS USUAL: The Long March Through the Institutions Arrives At Fascists’ Favorite Target. “Why? Because, for the left in the US, Canada and Europe, the Jewish state represents so much they hate, wrapped into a single package: capitalism, nationalism, Western religion and economic prosperity success thanks to hard work, intensive education and merit.”

THE MOSTLY PEACEFUL PRO-HAMAS CAMPUS DEMONSTRATIONS: The Guardian: “An independent non-profit that tracks political violence and political protests around the world found that 97% of campus demonstrations over the war in Gaza that have taken place in the US since mid-April have been peaceful.

But wait: “[The study] defines peaceful protests as ones without serious physical violence or property damage, Doyle said. Its bar for categorising a demonstration as violent includes “physical violence that rises above pushing or shoving” or property destruction that involves ‘breaking a window or worse,’ he said.”

Get it? You can push, shove, form human chains to keep “Zionists” from moving about, threaten, intimidate, chant “death to the Jews,” vandalize, trespass, even shoot at someone so long as you miss, and more, and the authors of the study would still say your protest has been “peaceful.”

DON’T MESS WITH TEXAS: Paxton Sues NGO For Aiding Illegal Alien Invasion. “Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton took time out from his busy schedule of suing the Biden Administration to sue an NGO aiding the Biden Administration’s illegal alien invasion.”

MOST HILL AIDES BACK TERM LIMITS: Are you as shocked as I am by this?

FLORIDA MAN FRIDAY [VIP]: He Bit Off More Cop Than He Could Chew. “It’s time for your much-needed break from the serious news and this week we have Florida Man’s Hannibal Lecter impersonation, the world’s most brazen shoplifter, and the lamest police chase in Texas history.”

NEO: Biden’s betrayal: “But for Michigan?”

I have long said that although it’s very clear that Joe Biden is very cognitively challenged compared to just a few years ago, he still has plenty of agency and his brain is not so far gone that he’s unaware. Plus, he was Obama’s VP from 2009 to 2017, in full possession of whatever were his native faculties, and he did Obama’s bidding on this and on just about every other topic.

So this is not some recent thing nor is it the result of his age-related cognitive problems. It’s a result of who he is: a corrupt and ambitious viper – or weasel, if you prefer – who would sell out anyone for a dime or for career advancement.

Which brings us to a famous exchange from A Man For All Seasons. No, it’s not the one I often post here, about “cutting down” the laws. It’s this one:

That’s where I got the idea for the title of this post. Biden has betrayed Israel, the Jews, the US, the West, and Congress to win the presidency (he thinks) by winning the votes of the Muslims in Michigan who would dearly love to see Israel and the Jews destroyed, and the US and the West in their current forms as well.

Past performance is no guarantee of future Trunalimunumaprzure:

UPDATE: Biden 2006: Civilian Deaths Are No Reason to Demand Israel Stop Defending Itself From ‘Cowards’ Hiding Among Them. “If nothing else, pick this up at the 2:45-ish mark and watch Joe Biden then absolutely demolish the current version of Joe Biden when it comes to fighting terrorists. It’s the exact opposite of his position regarding Rafah and Hamas. Also, note how much more coherent Biden was in 2006, and compare it to his speech these days. This ain’t a ‘stutter,’ folks. It’s creeping senility.”