Arizona Officials Dispute Report Claiming a 'Couple Hundred Thousand' Ballots Are Missing

(AP Photo/Matt York)

A report published by National File claims a significant ballot shortage has been discovered in the Maricopa County election audit, but that report has been disputed.


“We found a ballot shortage, anywhere from 5 to 10 percent of the votes,” Josh Barnett, a candidate for Arizona’s 6th Congressional District is quoted as saying. “It looks like a couple hundred thousand ballots are unaccounted for. The ballots are missing.”

“I also know that there were boxes filled with blank ballots in those pallets. There were blanks in there,” Barnett said, citing a person who is frequently at the audit site as part of the audit process. “They (election officials) were doing it for appearance, to try to hide the fact that ballots are missing by saying, ‘It’s okay, they’re all right here.’ But the ballots are blank.”

Barnett is described in the report as an audit organizer.

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But Ken Bennett, the former Arizona Republican secretary of state and Arizona Senate liason, says that is not the case. “There’s been no such finding yet,” he told The Epoch Times.

Randy Pullen, former chairman of the Arizona Republican Party, also disputed the report, calling the missing ballots claim “crazy.”

The audit team reported on June 9 that 80 percent of the ballots had been counted.


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